You can declare a new NAMESPACE constant, which is implicitly made a constant and from the character data type. 可以声明一个新的NAMESPACE常量,这隐式声明了一个字符数据类型的常量。
The result of the function is returned as a CLOB ( Character Large Object) data type that can hold up to1 MB of data. 函数的结果会以CLOB(字符型大型对象)数据类型的形式返回,可容纳1MB的数据。
Resolution: The schema DDL generated by the EJB components uses the data type CHARACTER for the column by default. 解决方案:由EJB组件生成的模式DDL在默认情况下对列使用的数据类型是CHARACTER。
The basic C character type is a1-byte data type, and no programmer dreams of changing it. 基本C字符类型是1字节数据类型,没有一位编程人员想到过要改变它。
Accordingly all syntax elements it created in the tree were of ESQL data type CHARACTER. 此外,它在树中创建的所有语法元素都是ESQL数据类型CHARACTER。
Some applications create tables with columns of character data type only. 一些应用程序创建只包含字符数据类型的列的表。
Text in an XML document is generally parsed character data, or ( in Document Type Definition terms) PCDATA. XML文档中的文本通常解析为字符数据,或者(按照文档类型定义术语)称为PCDATA。
However, if the column is a character data type and contains only numeric characters, you can indicate this by setting the NUMERIC_STRING option to'Y. ' 然而,如果列是字符数据类型,并且只包含数字字符,那么可以通过将NUMERICSTRING选项设置为“Y”来表明这一点。
In InfoSphere Warehouse the analysis of unstructured data requires that the data exists in the database as a column with a character data type ( CHAR, VARCHAR, or CLOB). 在InfoSphereWarehouse中,分析非结构化数据要求该数据作为列储存在数据库中,并且使用的字符数据类型为CHAR、VARCHAR或CLOB。
8000-byte variable-length character data type% 0 字节可变长度字符数据类型%0
The solution is to ALTER all TEXT and related fields to their binary counterparts, then alter the character set and finally change the binary data type fields back to TEXT. 解决办法就是将所有的文本和相关的栏,更改为对应的二进制,然后更改字符集,然后再将二进制数据类型重新更改为文本。
Type-declaration character does not match declared data type 类型声明字符与声明的数据类型不一致
In this paper, the character of tilt tide along shore was studied using tilt observation data at stations along shore and ocean tide data near stations, it was shown that the character of tilt tide will be related to the type of local coastal port. 本文用沿海形变台站的倾斜潮的实测资料和附近海域的海潮资料,对沿海地区倾斜固体潮的特征进行了研究,并指出它们的特征是与当地潮港的类型有关的。
This article is a chief introduction on the struction, realization techniques and application character of a making platform for data structure algorithm demonstration, and a brief introduction on the princilpe and method of type programming which is the theory and method's basis of the making platform. 介绍了一种新型的程序设计方法&类型程序设计方法的特点与原则,以及以其为理论与方法指导的数据结构算法动态模拟演示系统创作平台的结构组成、实现技术与应用特点等。
According to the character of CT data and doctor's clinical experience, we defined three two-dimensional shape descriptors correlating with tumor type from different points of view; 依据CT数据图像的特点以及医生临床诊断经验,从不同的角度定义了3个与肿瘤性质相关联的二维形状描述子;
Following, by the analysis of our national road character and organized mode, this paper brings forward data updating modes for different type data ( such as spacial data, attribute data, multimedia data). 接着,论文从对我国公路数据的特点和组织方式的分析着手,提出了针对不同类型数据(空间数据、属性数据、多媒体数据)的更新方式。